The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110206 Message #2310498
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Apr-08 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
Subject: RE: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
Yes, "whom". Okay.
Women aren't supposed to lift the toilet seat up again because a toilet seat that's down is not a serious problem for anyone...but a toilet seat that's UP IS bloody well a serious problem if you happen to approach it unawares in the dark and you sit down only to have the unpleasant shock of falling suddenly into that cold, nasty porcelain bowl!!!!!!
This is as nasty a shock for men as it is for women, so it's just downright flippin' stupid for anyone to complain about the seat being left down. Men sometimes have to sit too, after all.