The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110206 Message #2310650
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
08-Apr-08 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
Subject: RE: BS: So many disagreements and controversies...
Right hand wiping, of course.
My Beautiful Wife and I (many years ago) had many a little tiff because she was always squeezing the middle of the toothpaste tube, and with the old metal-foil tubes you ended with(and/either/or) a bunch of toothpaste that couldn't be squeezed out, or a continual struggle to get the trapped paste up to the nozzle (only to be squeezed down again when she next used the tube), and the tube was an ugly sight besides, AND in the process the tube broke and leaked, probably at the bottom end.
The present flexible plastic tubes are a great blessing to marital harmony, believe me!