The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31922   Message #2311363
09-Apr-08 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: The McGowan Brothers - Old Celtic Band
Subject: RE: The McGowan Brothers - Old Celtic Band
Talk about a blast from the past...It's amazing what a search on Yahoo will turn up!

I never saw the Farquahr play live, but my parents were fans in the late 60s. When my dad passed away a few years ago, I found a few reel-to-reel tapes of the Farquahr playing at Fat City, on 3/5/69, which I drove to CT to give to Bobby McGowan (but not before burning copies to CD for him, and me, hehe). What a nice guy! He took time out of his busy day to show my wife and I around the shop, to have a look at some of the Farquahr memorabilia around the place.

The Bill Dougherty you were talking about...Is he the one mentioned in "Provicetown Jug Band" and "Dear John Deere"?

I was reading on another board that the car shop in Branford has become a victim of the bulldozer...I hope they got everything out first.

I'm glad there are still a bunch of people who still remember and appreciate the Farquahr...