The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110162   Message #2311421
Posted By: Genie
09-Apr-08 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatters on YouTube
Subject: MacBook, iMovie, and YouTube - great for promo
Thanks for starting this thread, Bob. The lightbulb just went off over my head, when it should've as soon as I got my new MacBook.

I started playing around with a new iMac a few months ago, just aiming the screen at myself and at anyone else I wanted to video and going to iMovie and hitting "Capture from camera."
The screen has a built-in camera and you can record the sound from the built-in microphone or from an external mic.   Using the built-in camera and mic, I found that I could capture excellent videos -- good picture and sound too.   (You can tweak both of those later if you want, but it's often not necessary.   Just try not to have the camera too close to your subject - but that's often true with most any camera.)   
Since I got the small, portable version, a new MacBook, I've been making lots of videos, both for research purposes and for recording music shows. I recently video'd workshops and the Sat. night concert at Singtime Frolics here in Oregon.   I'm in process of putting these on DVD.

Now here's where I should say, "Duh!!!"
I've been thinking I could use my own video'd shows or clips from them to make promo videos and/or to post at my own website when I get one set up.
Although I watch stuff on YouTube a lot, it never dawned on me that I could skip the DVDs and skip the website and post stuff directly on YouTube!!

I may or may not want to put just anything on YouTube - especially my own songs that haven't been duly registered with the LOC Copyright office yet - but it sure would make it cheap (well, aside from the $1100+ I spent on the laptop) to let prospective clients hear an see samples of my music and performances.

Of course, next time I record one of my own full-hour programs, I must remember to set the "Sound preferences" up right so it won't turn out to be a silent flic like the St. Patrick's Day party I recorded.   LOL