The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311616
Posted By: Richard Bridge
09-Apr-08 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
Don't believe all you are told.

Ask yourselves what professionals do.

Once upon a time professionals as distinct from mere traders had principles. Alas no more for most.

I may or may not be of excellence as a performer of folk or similar songs. I would be chagrined to think that anyone thought I was so conceited as to say that I was good.

By way of example, when I was captain of squash at Nottingham University, I set up an internal match between the students on the Mechanical Engineering course and the teachers (lecturers, professors, and seminar leaders, etc). We hammered them, and I beat an Egyptian called Nassim Hay who I gather used once to play competitively. My number one player was embarrassed to have to pfaff about not to humiliate a chap with an Oxford squash blue (and who wrote a textbook about plate vibrations).

Not long thereafter, I was talking to another student (Nick, I forget the rest) in the coffebar queue. It transpired that he played squash. I said "Shall we have a game" He said that there might not be any point. I said "Are you any good" (he might have been too bad or too good). He said "I'm quite good". I thought "What a conceited shit". It turned out he was the then UAU (Universities Athletic Union) Number 3 - ie the third best university squash player in the UK.

Unless you are that good, no gentleman (or lady) says they are any good, and no gentleman or lady says that any other person is less able than they are.

I may be good, or I maybe dogshit. But I'm GEFF or for what ever else I do and any prima donna who says I'm not good enough for her can kiss my proverbial, if I would let her, which I won't.