The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311633
Posted By: Richard Bridge
09-Apr-08 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
Yes, most lawyers are prostitutes. Particularly city ones. They hire out from the neck up, rather than waist down. I am not (now) one such and have an axe to grind with the prostitutes in that area with whom I once consorted, indeed amongst whom I was not without reputation.

I do not agree that professional and semi-pro musicians necessarily have artistic integrity. Believe me, I was once invited to roadie the Sweet.

I am an admirer of those who are sufficiently dedicated to their music as to rely utterly upon it.

What I utterly refuse to accept is that those who perform folk (and allied) - who said lawyers cannot be succinct - music have to be of a particular standard or be vilified, as SWMBO would have.

I may or may not be dogshit (you judge, you've heard me play, PM me and I'll tell you others who have thought me OK but I won't put it up as self aggrandisement on a public board - but I am prepared to cast my fate to the winds and tell you to PM the Barden and check what he thinks) but whether I am dogshit or not I am GEFF. I am an F. I play from my roots. It's my and everyone else's music and it doesn't belong to SWMBO.