The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311811
Posted By: Banjiman
10-Apr-08 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it

Come on mate, get yourself over to KFFC....we celebrate all levels of ability in the pre & post concert singarounds (from newby to very talented semi-pros)... in the bar where social music making belongs.

....and we celebrate excellence in the main concert "floor" acts just a couple of pre-booked lesser known but still excellent supports and the main act who are either top rank semi-pros or a full timers.

Like you I am early middle age and spent many years listening to punk, reggae, indie etc.......the club is also less than 6 months old so no cliques who have known each other for years (though the stalwarts of the the local "folk" community to do seem to have given us their blessing, for which I am very grateful).

We also present a mixed bag of music (for which I make no apology) from blues and bluegrass (Banjo Heaven!!!) to unaccompanied traditional singers......and I expect us to present many more.

The atmosphere has been described as having a festival vibe with usually a few people in vans staying in the car park or overnighting at the club.....

It's fun, inclusive, broadminded, inexpensive ...and on a Saturday night!

Is it GEFF....I have no doubt that what we do is good enough for folk or any genre, IT IS FUN!!!!!

Which after all is what it should all be about....and my glass is always at least half full.
