The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311907
Posted By: TheSnail
10-Apr-08 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
Captain Ginger, you've just mentioned the Lewes Arms for the first time on this thread. I've said nothing about it.

I'm not asking you to name dreadful singers. I'm not asking you to make make personal attacks on anyone. I'm asking you to give supporting evidence for the existence of "the "it's folk, so who cares" brigade". All you need to do is quote anything that's been said on Mudcat that remotely resembles that attitude. Nobody could possibly object to things they have already said being repeated.

Do you think you can manage that?

The same goes for Nigels "From all this, the conclusion I draw is that in the folk club world, mediocrity is to be celebrated, defended and held up as how things should be."

Supporting evidence, that's all I ask.

I promise not to take it personally.

And Diane, I don't think Alex Campbell ever used the GEFF acronym.