The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311933
Posted By: Captain Ginger
10-Apr-08 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
It's an attitude I have encountered in more than three decades of involvement in traditional music. I've seen it from those who, at least, are conscious of their shortcoming but who shrug embarrassedly and say, "well, it's only folk and, anyway, it was in tune yesterday", to those who are oblivious to the fact that they are making an audience collectively cringe and snigger as they stop, start, stumble, mumble and massacre the material.
They are the people who prompt a mad rush to the bar from those who know what's coming, and expressions of incredulity from those who don't.

Yet how on earth I'm expected to provide 'evidence' of the phenomenon escapes me and - to be frank and to answer arrogance with truculence - I don't see why the blazes I should have to provide evidence. But anyone here will, I'm sure, recognise the 'heart sink' floor spots and the 'must dash to the bog' performers, those fine ambassadors for our passion.

Anyway, because I can't immediately cite dates and venues, perhaps I'm just imagining it, eh? Let's all pretend it doesn't happen and it'll go away...the folk club has never had it so good...hell, we're having to turn away people at the door because so many young people want to get involved...anyone who doesn't subscribe to our cosy world view is a traitor anyway...stop picking on us...we're not weird, it's everyone else...all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds...'professionalism' kills folk music...who are these punters who dare dictate what they want... and on and on and on...

So Mr Snail, get back on the gleaming bridge of the Titanic and ring full steam ahead.