The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2311972
Posted By: TheSnail
10-Apr-08 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
Paul (banjiman)

I think that is all The Snail is saying (he'll tell me if I'm wrong).

That's about it. Looking forward to seeing you and Wendy if you can pay us a visit.


Nigel does get out plenty - I've even seen him in folk clubs.

I wonder why he says he doesn't then.

Captain Ginger

Mr Snail, you can shout, hector and write in big letters all you like, but I most certainly can't be arsed to fossick through the countless threads on this forum to satisfy some petulant demand for 'evidence' which will promptly be batted aside

I think I'll just let others draw their own conclusions from that.

just look at contributions on this thread from Nigel, Diane, Dave and Paul.

I think Paul could have the right to take offence at being included in that list. I don't think he's said anything to support you strange views and Dave just seems to have a Mancunian determination to find any excuse to be miserable.

But you, Diane and Nigel? A happy little triumvirate backing each others prejudices because you KNOW THE TRUTH regardless of what anyone else might say.

At root all I'm asking is that we take a dispassionate look at the image we present to the outside world

Good idea Captain; why don't you give it a try.

and that we take a bit more pride in what we perform, promote and produce

I do. So do a great many other people.