The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110266   Message #2312131
Posted By: George Papavgeris
10-Apr-08 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Guitar Hero
Subject: RE: Guitar Hero
As a teenager I had two guitar heroes.
The first was Andres Segovia - I still admire him, not least for achieving the acceptance of the guitar in symphonic works.
The other one - don't laugh - was Alvin Lee of Ten Years After, for playing riffs at breakneck speed. I had to grow up a little to realise that he was crap and missed every third note in his mad dash, had no feeling for the music, and was just a show-off.

Nowadays I am envious of many guitarists, all of whom I consider better than me. In no order at all, Martin Simpson, Bob Fox, the Chilean Alexandro, Brian May, and probably just a tad above the rest, Hans Fisser of Flairck (Netherlands), etc etc - the list is very long.