The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2312526
Posted By: Leadfingers
10-Apr-08 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
I am just back from what is arguably one of the better 'small' clubs in southern England - Askew Sisters tonight did a superb evening to about thirty people ! The club manages on a mix of singers Nights , when EVERYONE pays £2 and Guest nights when EVERYONE bar the Guest act pays £4 . The singers nights support the guest nights , so that the agreed fee is guaranteed , regardless of actual turn out . We are fortunate that we do have a very good stock of competent floor singers who turn out most weeks , but we still have the people who cant even read a poem from a book without stumbling over the words , and the others who cant remember the first verse of a song ! For the most part , though , MOST of the floor singers do a well prepared and enjoyable set of songs/tunes/whatever . For US , it works , and the people we do book always seem happy to come back !
For us , thats Good Enough !