The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2312957
Posted By: Dave Earl
11-Apr-08 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
I have just remembered something that Diane told me about in another thread some time ago. I think it is occasions such as this that cause Diane to come out so strongly against Folk Clubs.

I can,t recall which thread it was but it may have been one of the Sidmouth debates following the withdrawal of the Mrs. Casey organisation.

As I recall Diane had seen one of the younger popular bands working with "Trad" material at a concert or festival.The concert I understand was excellent and subsequently some members of said band were booked to appear at a club" Diane was able to get to.

The "club" night turned out to be a great disappintment because of what I believe was a poorly organised club and a elow expectation performance from the artists.

To compound the problem I recall D saying she had taken a friend who was thoroughly disappointed and said " Wouldn't be seen dead" in such a place again.

If I'm mis-remembereing and it was someone else who said it I aplogise but it still seems to be the sort of thing that Diane is on about.

Yes it would have been whichever club it was showing the worse side of itself and they should not expect to have any sort of ongoing success if all their nights are to be of such a poor standard.

No the base from which we down in Sussex are coming from is that the club scene should and can be lot better than the very unhappy night mentioned above and we think we are and strive to be even better.
