The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110259 Message #2313001
Posted By: Greg B
11-Apr-08 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel
Subject: RE: Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel
Once in the series, Dr. Kroger made up his mind to retire. That plot is likely a foreshadowing of things to come. 'Monk' is scheduled for a summer season--- this past year was cut short by the writer's strike, I believe. I wonder if it's currently in production, or if they'll have the full hiatus to figure out what to do?
The folk music connection explains Capt. Leland Stottlemeyer's flirtation with folk music, a sometimes humorous interlude, and perhaps his Lieutenant's 'garage band' pretense.
Monk's scenes with Dr. Kroger were key features of the plots, being a handy way to conduct some exposition without any need to 'work it in.' They're going to have to replace him.
I wonder if they'll kill him off in some dramatic fashion, to give Monk a 'case' to solve. Stanley Kamel would probably enjoy that.