The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110259 Message #2313058
Posted By: katlaughing
11-Apr-08 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel
Subject: RE: Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel
Yes, I think they will have to let his character die and let fans and Monk deal with it, together.
There is a message board HERE on which folks have been posting condolences. There are a lot of nice quotes, poems, and pictures posted. Apparently Kamel used to post there as himself and visit with the fans. Quite a decent person from the sounds of it...much like his character in some ways.
Tonight's rerun episode is titled "Monk gets a new shrink" but I don't remember it. New episodes don't start until mid-July.