The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110154   Message #2313575
Posted By: alanabit
12-Apr-08 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Subject: RE: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Teribus: This discussion is not making much progress. I suspect it is partly because you have ignored the central point I have made. Stalin was butcher and a hypocrite. He was not, repeat not a Socialist, a Communist or a Marxist. I suspect you are old enough to recall the old Conservative joke that the Soviet Union was the one country in the world, which was "safe" from Communism. I have made no defence of butchers, who call themselves Marxists. They are simply butchers.
Now we are back to the tiresome numbers game. We do not know for sure how many people Stalin killed, because the historians have not yet had access to all the papers. In the case of Hitler, we are better informed, because the perpetrators documented their own crimes so meticulously. That Stalin was a butcher is beyond dispute. To assert that he was proven to be worse than Hitler, or that he killed more people, is at best a pretty bold statement. I will also remind you that if you look at the casualty figures - particularly for civilians in China - for the period of Japanese Pacific expansion in the thirties - before war had even broken out in Europe - you will discover another horrible set of tragic statistics.
On the subject of Cuba, you might ask those with memories of Batista's rule whether they would like him back. You obviously seem to think Cuba's economic problems have nothing to do with the American economic embargo on the country. If that is the case, I have difficulty in seeing how we can continue this discussion on a factual basis.