The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108635   Message #2313616
Posted By: Bobert
12-Apr-08 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Seriously Messed Up....
Well gol danged...

Couple Iron City beers and them pills they got me on make fir some more than usaul interestin' Bobert readin'... Man, I should stay the heck away from this thing at night 'cause I come back the next day and don't have a clue what I said...

It does say right there on the pill bottle not to operate machinery so I guess that's what they mean...Even pudders is off limits... Also says that the side effects maybe greater if ya' drenk Iron Cities...

Like I was tryin' to say is that I should know this next week if there is any tumor activity and if there ain't then they are gonna keep me on these anit-seizuer meds that is supposed to help the neurons get reacquainted and that in most cases it it juts matter of time but in some cases folks don't get fully revovered...

All I know is that if I take me a handfull of pills and 6 Iron Cities that I can play geeter fir about 5 -10 minutes at night... Burnin' a little evidence don't hurt non either...
