The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4094   Message #23147
Posted By:
06-Mar-98 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: What's happened to the chat box?
Subject: RE: What's happened to the chat box?
Oh boy, what have I been missing. I was away down south in Tasmania during Feb. I was about to post a thread about what happened to the chat room when the brilliant idea struck me to do a forum search. What came up was Gene's Bar/doc joke.

Speaking of bar jokes:

Three turtles go into a bar and each orders a beer. Just when they are served it starts to rain outside. They draw straws to see who is to go out for the umbrella and the one who draws the short straw sets out. Hours go by and he doesn't return. They days go by and he still dosn't return. Finally a week goes by. One of the turtles still at the bar says to the other, "I wonder what has happened to him. Do think he will bring the umbrella?" The other one says "Nah, he probably won't come back, lets drink his beer." A voice from about half-way to the door says. "If you do, I won't get the umbrella!"
