The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2314716
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
13-Apr-08 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Am I to understand that Ron Davies' and EJ's positions would be changed if it were confirmed them that the Seals were used for meat.

Good. My family has been hunting seals for at least five generations, and if you want it. I can get my grandmother's recipe for Seal Flipper Pie from my dad and send it to y'all. And Yes Ron and EJ we eat Harp seals. Harp seals are the species that are most abundant. They are also the best source of oil and being large blubbery, slow moving, relatively stupid seals, they are the easiest to kill humanely

There are several good reasons for the seal hunt that have come to light in recent times. Seal meat is more environmentally friendly than Beef or Pork, huge amounts grain is not diverted to fatten them. They do not produce huge amounts of methane as cattle do. And since a growing or adult harp seal eats about 1,500 pounds of fish per year, killing the maximum allowed by quota would free up at least 100,000,000 pounds of fish for human consumption.

If you want to give Newfoundlanders an economic chance in life, let them harvest seals to 1970's levels of about 2,000,000 instead of the present 6,000,0000 - 8,000,0000
That would, conservatively, free up in the order of 3 billion pounds of high quality fish protein for a hungry world. It would lower the price of biodiesel and ethonol and hugely reduce the amount of beef methane.   

This protest has been going on for a long time and in its present form it has nothing to do with the inhumane treatment of animals. It has everything to do with Green Peace and FFAW fundraising. Harp seal pups are cute and they make great posters.

The Newfoundland seal hunt of present day is as humane as the harvesting of any animal, more humane than the raising and harvesting of beef and leather.

The animal is eaten, the pelt is made into leather ad/or fur. The oil is harvested as a medicine and a dietary supplement.