The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2314845
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
14-Apr-08 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Sure. It appears that you have bought into the entire propaganda effort that the Canadian Government and the Seal Industry have used as a justification for the "harvest", Carol. Congratulations! Many other people might actually pay attention to facts like
* The Cod Fishery in the Maritimes collapsed due to overfishing by commercial fishermen and inept management by your Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The justifier of culling the seals to restore levels of cod is completely bogus, and was acknowledged in 2005 to be so by the Canadian Government. Since harp seals feed primarily on larger predatory species, which feed on cod, decreasing their number actually has an inverse effect.
* Seals do not, in fact, represent the "sole option" for Newfoundland fisherman. Less than 1% of Newfoundlers participate. Of those who participate, less than 5% of their income is from sealing.
*The collapse of the Cod Fishery has not had the kind of impact claimed as justification by the Canadian Government. Due to the Fishery's expansion into snow crab and other shellfish, it averages 150 million more than before the collapse. Even cod provides four times the revenue of the seal harvest.
* Homespun stories about seal flipper pie aside, seals are not being killed for meat. Most of the meat is left on the ice when the pelts are taken. The little meat that is not discarded is sold as pet food in European and Asian markets, and is not even approved for human consumption outside Canada. But I'm pretty sure you knew that. No, the seals are killed for their pelts.
* Whitecoat (under 14 day old)baby seals are no longer harvested, true. At the 10 to 14 DAY point, they molt and are fair game to be slaughtered.
* Hakapiks are still used to crush the skulls. Check the video taken by the Sea Shepherd'll see someone using one.

Jack, your Father sounds like a responsible man. If he uses all parts of a harp seal, he is not only efficient and unwasteful, he's also completely atypical of an industry that has as its principle goal the mass killing of seals and marketing of their pelts. No one would dispute that the native Inuit have taken seals for their pelts, meat, and blubber for generations. But Inuit sealers took less than 1% of the seal harvest last season. It's now a large scale commercial pelt harvest.
Let's at least be honest about that, CarolC. Spare me the specious arguments about slaughter house hypocrisy and the grand tradition of sealing. I really don't easily fall for other people's fables.