The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2314860
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
14-Apr-08 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Lonesome EJ,

Where in the f*ck are you getting your information?

In the modern hunt SEAL MEAT IS NOT LEFT TO ROT!!! Do you think that my Dad is the ONLY fisherman that I know or my only source of information?

I personally know about a thousand Newfoundland fishermen. I am a personal friend of two fisheries ministers. I have friends who are marine biologists in Newfoundland and Economists with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Do you really think you know more about this than my father who sees more and more seals in his bay every year. After the quota has closed?

Don't you condescend to my father. He doesn't give a f*ck what you think of him.

The North Atlantic Cod was the breadbasket of the Western hemisphere for 400 years. Yes it was overfished. It is still being over fished by Spaniards and other European pirates on the Nose and Tail. Yes it was mismanaged, partly by not killing enough freaking seals! And yes, since a Harp seal eats 1500 pounds of fish a year a big part of the problem is the overpopulation of seals.

>>Since harp seals feed primarily on larger predatory species, which feed on cod, decreasing their number actually has an inverse effect.<<

Whose ass did you pull this tidbit out of? I grew up in Newfoundland and spent quite a bit of time When I was in grade three I could name every commercial species in out oceans. do you have any idea how large a codfish is? Just what is this magical creature large enough to prey on commercially viable cod but weak enough to be prey for a seal?

If there was such a fish, say a six foot long slow swimming swordfish or tuna it would be worth more to the fishermen than cod. If such fish existed, they would be an even better reason to cull the seals.