The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2314862
Posted By: CarolC
14-Apr-08 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
I haven't bought into anything, Lonesome EJ. I know my father-in-law better than you do, and I know that he is telling me the truth about what it's really like out there. He doesn't work for the government. He's just a Newfoundlander who sees what's going on up close, instead of getting his information from people who have been lying for years.

The seals who are killed are definitely very young seals. But the people who are protesting the seal hunt are using pictures of white coats to sell their product. They are lying when they do this.

If you're going to protest the killing of the seals for fur, do you also protest the killing of other animals just for fur?

I was watching this series of videos earlier today...

I noticed that the tiny little chicks were being dumped by the hundreds of thousands into the places where they would spend their whole lives. The chicks' bodies grow faster than their legs can develop and most of them end up sitting in ammonia soaked litter for most of the very small number of weeks that they live, experiencing excruciating pain while the ammonia burns deep into their flesh with no relief until they are killed. This is what you are responsible for doing to animals when you eat meat. Spare me your self-righteousness.

ALL industries that raise and slaughter animals for any reason do it for money, and in the cases of most of them, the animals are treated a hell of a lot worse than the seals are in the seal hunt. Meat is just as much of a luxury as a fur coat. You don't need it. You eat it because you enjoy it. You're no better than someone who wears fur because they enjoy it. You're just a much bigger hypocrite.