The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2314994
Posted By: Bee
14-Apr-08 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
LEJ, I'm sure you are a good guy, and a tender hearted one at that, but you really seem to have bought the antisealers line on this issue, with no consideration at all for learning anything from or about the people who actually participate in the hunt - or even who they are. Do you think these ordinary people consistently lie about it all to their families and neighbours and cousins, who, if you'll notice, are some of the people who are responding in this thread?

It's hard to admit to yourself that you've bought into the Bambi Syndrome, but please at least take notice that the World Wildlife Fund does not participate in protesting the seal hunt, and keeps a very carefully worded explanation on their website as to why. Carefully worded so as not to enrage antisealers who might be contributors, I'm sure is one reason.

JimLad, for the luvvamike, go on tour or something and visit the Magdalene Islands, for example, and see for yourself why people participate in this industry and then draw EI. Or do you think the government should just move everybody in Canada who lives in an isolated area to Vancouver or Alberta where they can work year round? Half our adult male population already lives out West half the year or longer.