The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2315088
Posted By: Bee
14-Apr-08 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Kendall, it's been illegal to take whitecoats for eons.

It's far more frequent that the antisealers come dangerously close to the men working on the ice, literally threatening their lives than that the Coast guard comes to close to the protesters.

Paul Watson, that evil troll, of Sea Shepherd fame and absentee captain of the presently arrested Farley Mowat, has been so disgusting in his methods and his speeches that even Elizabeth May, leader of Canada's Green party, formerly of the Sierra Club, has broken off all ties and publicly denounced Watson. Elizabeth is no stranger to espousing unpopular causes, either - she grew up in a community where her entire family were frequently at odds with all of their immediate neighbours on environmental issues. (And Hi, J and R M, if you're reading this. ;-)