The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110179   Message #2315173
Posted By: Bill D
14-Apr-08 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Debate: NRA good or Evil?
Subject: RE: BS: Debate: NRA good or Evil?
Obviously, Mick, we will always have different views on the matter. I hardly think that moves my 'aside' comment into the category of demagogic.

You do a calculation of the % of total deaths caused by gunshots, and get 1.2%. That sure looks like a nice, small number compared to 25,000+. Even the number 4, as in ..."injuries from firearms are the 4th leading cause of accidental death for children between the ages of 5 and 14." doesn't look too big. Even "six" in
"A youngster between the ages of 10 and 19 commits suicide with a handgun every six hours" might not seem impressive.

To enlarge on what I said earlier, it may just be that we have a different threshold of tolerance for statistics about death & injury. And noting that the US seems to always rank 1st in the world in death by firearms, indicates to me that we have a problem.

You'll note that, even with my pretty dim view of the cost/benefit value of allowing those "...10 others that are responsible owners who obey the law" to have guns, I am NOT damanding, as you seem to imply, that "The notion that even one death is reason enough to ban them .."
Where did I ever say anything like that?

I am quite aware that "...Law abiding citizens who responsibly own, and use, guns are not causing the deaths."....but I am also aware that some of the deaths result from guns being stolen FROM those law abiding citizens and from accidents, even among those who TRY to be careful.

The original question here was about the NRA, and by extension I suppose, about the spirited defense of 'legal' firearms by folks such as yourself. What I see & hear from the NRA is a basic resistance to almost ANY restriction of firearms, lest those 'responsible' folks lose a few privileges. (That's PRIVILEGES, Slag...not rights. I should have made that point earlier.)

In my post at 12 Apr 08 - 05:07 PM, I suggest that the situation needs a lot more rational study...simply BECAUSE we do have so many weapons "out there" that are not easily going away, even if we tried!

I admit, I do not have a simple answer...but I do not believe the 'answer' is to let things go as they are and go thru the motions of "enforcing existing laws". THAT system has gotten us that seemingly permanent place on top the charts of deaths by gunshot. All you 'responsible' gun owners need to work a bit harder to REDUCE the problem, not just argue that 1.2% is not very big.