The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110386   Message #2315214
Posted By: George Papavgeris
14-Apr-08 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Review: Worst club and why
Subject: RE: Review: Whorst club and why
It can be OK, but it depends how it is done. In this case, an invitation for people to mention their worst club leads to a creation of a blacklist. If you are the organiser of one of the clubs likely to end on that list you would like a fair chance at responding, would you not? yet many of the organisers do not attend this forum, and are therefore denied that chance. They are tried in absentia, as it were.

"And so?" I hear you ask, "Let market forces do their work". But I don't consider a conversation on Mudcat to be equivalent to "market forces" - it is a trial "in camera".

Still, I don't suppose I will persuade otherwise those determined enough to name and shame here. So let their own conscience be their guide.