The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2315473
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
14-Apr-08 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
It is a lie to suggest that most seal fishermen bash in cubs' heads for sport or for the fur industry. -CarolC

BTW .... clubbing has been outlawed in the seal hunt ... they use a rigle(sic) now days. Sorta like the shot at the back of the head used to but down a bovine -number6

Rifles and hakapiks are permitted. Canadian sealing regulations describe the dimensions of the clubs and the hakapiks, and caliber of the rifles and minimum bullet velocity, that can be used. They state that: "Every person who strikes a seal with a club or hakapik shall strike the seal on the forehead until its skull has been crushed," and that "No person shall commence to skin or bleed a seal until the seal is dead," which occurs when it "has a glassy-eyed, staring appearance and exhibits no blinking reflex when its eye is touched while it is in a relaxed condition." - Wikipedia "Seal Hunting", with quotations from the Canadian Seal Hunting Regulations.

Awaiting your "proper response", Carol.