The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110367   Message #2315565
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Apr-08 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are You Bitter???
Subject: RE: BS: Are You Bitter???
Most people are bitter about certain things, but whether they'll admit to it or not is another matter. (I think almost everyone nowadays is bitter about the very obvious disconnect between governmental power and the genuine concerns and needs of the public...and they have a right to be.)

As for the absolutely ridiculous, farcical, and apparently endless media-driven melodrama that has fucked the present American election campaign beyond recognition, I've given up on it frankly. I just can't be bothered with any of it anymore.

I didn't even know Obama was having this latest problem until I opened this thread.

And what do I think about it? (GREAT BIG SHRUG)

I'd rather find something else altogether to think about, I guess.

So...bye, bye.