The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2315804
Posted By: Beer
14-Apr-08 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Dad was a fisherman and loved it. Use to go out for the cod with him and the herring run, mackerel was also a good catch. But it all came to an end. When we moved to Nova Scotia from Prince Edward Island I use to go out clam digging when the tide went out. I remember asking Dad once "What are those big boats out there"? He said very sadly that they were dragger's and were putting the small fisherman out of business.
I really don't have much to contribute to this thread because I really don't know much or have had anything to do with sealing. In my younger day I hunted and killed a wide variety of species. But it was to help to put food on the table. When I left home and was able to afford to put on the table, I never went hunting again.

I never was a lover of Greenpeace. I still believe that they go way over board on the sealing issue. But that is probably because I also see it as a means for the fishermen to survive. I think that sealers are very aware that they are in the spotlight and so Greenpeace to me has done their job. Over the years regulation have come out (and probably because of Greenpeace)that keep sealers in the government eyes "in check".
What I would like to see Greenpeace get involved in is the lack of punishment that takes place when there is someone found treating (in most cases Dogs )animal's inhuman. No, don't refer back to sealing because it is not the same thing. When your starve a dog and let them live in their feces, this is inhuman and the person that does this should be made to pay and pay dearly. Most time they get a warning or a small fine. Now if Greenpeace would only take up this cause I would gladly contribute monetary wise to help them fight to have the law changed.

Beer (adrien)