The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109964   Message #2315889
Posted By: Barry Finn
15-Apr-08 - 03:03 AM
Thread Name: Len Graham in the Midwest US, April 2008
Subject: RE: Len Graham in the Midwest US, April 2008
Well I went to my regular Monday night session at the Greenbriar Pub in the Brighton section of Boston tonight& the session leader, Larry Reynolds wanted to welcome a friend & guest who's a great singer, much surprise it was Len, he did a couple of songs. If it weren't so close to closing we might've had a few more songs out of him but once he stopped folks just started chatting him up so I doubt he would've been able to do any more singing anyway. What a very remarkable singer & very sociable & approchable guy. We had a little chat when the conversion turned to Frank Harte. He said that at Frank's last performance Frank had sung "James Connolly", this was being aired from a bar by some radio station, later the bar phone rang, it was for Frank, Patrick Galvin (song's author) was calling to say how great it was that Frank had sung his song.
Sorry, this thread's about Len, well it was nice to see that he has praise for such another great singer & friend when he could've been bathing in his own limelight.
He's here tomorrow & flying back home on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to catch half his performence tomorrow night at Boston College (5:00-7:00pm, free) & if my wife has to stay a work just a little bit late all the more I'll get to hear of him. If I don't have to pick her up till 7:30 that'll be just fine too. I won't mind getting the the Gloucester shanty session late either.

If I get to hear him tomorrow night I'll chime back in.
Good night, I'll need to rest up, had to deal with a flat tire tonight but it wsan't a bother at all, thanks Christ for good music & good singing.
