The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2315907
Posted By: Jim Lad
15-Apr-08 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
I watched Paul Watson on "Mike Duffy Live" during last years seal hunt. He was supposed to be debating the issue with a government representative. His unfortunate victim turned out to be a female Senator, quite elderly and entirely unaware of what to expect from Paul Watson.
He brutalized her with insults, irrational statements and aggressive body language to the point that the woman was reduced to tears and CTV panned the camera away from her. Mike Duffy, an absolute gem of a man, brought the interview to a close and the following day, brought in a more agile politician to discuss the issue, minus the thug.
This man, Paul Watson, I thought, claims to have compassion for helpless creatures and yet when faced with a senior citizen, behaves like a monster.
Today, Mike Duffy's guest was none other than Loyola Hearn. A soft spoken Newfoundlander with whom I am some day destined to sip a oold one.
To those of you not fortunate enough to watch Mike Duffy Live as part of your daily routine, here is today's interview. and judge for yourself as to who is the barbarian here.
I have eaten a lot of wild game in my life and see no real difference, other than taste & texture, between this and farmed animals.
I know, they have sad eyes & stuff and I'm as big a sucker as anyone else for that kind of thing but you really should take a look at the big picture before weighing in on this one.