The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110210   Message #2315945
Posted By: GUEST,Betsy at work
15-Apr-08 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: GEFF and Proud of it
Subject: RE: Folklore: GEFF and Proud of it
Going Right back to the thread, I am perfectly sure that GEFF as used by Alex Campbell, has been taken out of context.
It's use by Alex arose as a light hearted riposte and comparable phrase to that used by his fellow professional Diz Disley who used say, after hastily re-tuning his guitar "It's good enough for Jazz".
It always got a mild chuckle. Nothing more than THAT in it.
As for professionalism in Folk music , there are many "amateurs " who are very professional in their stage performance , but remember a Professional often needs to market him /herself(club organisers get inundated with calls each night from professionals looking for dates),logistics and costs of travel accommodation, suiting the politics and personalities of clubs organisers and leading lights in the Club in order to get a return gig, rough kips(assured that accommodation is available for you, only to find it's two seater settee with a duvet), duff on the road fast food, need to practice and learn new material,don't mention Tax and National Insurance contributions , avoiding illness and sore throats, maintaining instruments , buying strings etc .....I'm going to stop there, as I could fill another two entire Pages.
So good luck to those who try to go Professional and manage to make it pay and have an enjoyable life. I think that if it "pays" you're probably "selling" a good product for which people are willing to come pay ,see and listen.
If it doesn't - there are a myriad of reasons for why it didn't work - some itemised above . It may not necessarily mean your performance standard is /was not GEFF.