The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110367   Message #2316174
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
15-Apr-08 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are You Bitter???
Subject: RE: BS: Are You Bitter???
This issue boils down to a momentary short circuit in Senator Obama's politic-speak wiring. He forgot to phrase his comments in a way that makes it apparent he's talking to those who do feel bitter, not those of us who don't. It would be a non-issue if he had said something like "I understand that some of you may feel bitter..." instead of phrasing it in the all-inclusive "You are bitter..." fashion that he did. The reason he's being called elitist and condescending is that his word choice has made it appear that he thinks he knows more about how people feel than they themselves do.

Personally, I feel a wee bit offended at being told I'm bitter when, in fact, I'm merely resigned. If he had including a "some" or a "may" I would have no need for offense because he would have left me some room to not be the person he was addressing.