The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110367   Message #2317206
Posted By: Bobert
16-Apr-08 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are You Bitter???
Subject: RE: BS: Are You Bitter???
Well, one thing is fir sure and that is that the media has developed a case of "buyer's remorse" with their give-Mac-a-pass and stick-it-to-Obams circle jerk on Monday...

So now it's Obama v. Clinton/McWar/Media...

As for rednecks of which mnay weatern Pa people plainly are, they are bitter people who tend to blame anyone but the corporate fat cats for their lousy economic cicumstances... I been hearing it all my life... They wouldn't vote for a Dem no matter... Yeah, they might vote in a dem primary but in the general election they will vote against the dems 'casue the repubs will pulll out the same ol' worn out issues: gay marriage, guns, flag burning & abortion...

"Yeah, Bubba, I hear that Obama is gonna take away yer gun, make yer son marry a queer and kill yer babies..."

(But, Bobert, that sounds purdy "elitist" on yer part...)

Ya' know, some things are just the way they are and there ain't much you can do to change 'um... People may not like looking at a certain demographic and calling it "the way it is" but, like it or not, that "is the way it is"...

Obama knows this... He's been a community organizer... He's been 'round these kinds of folks... Yeah, it may make some folks uncomfy fir him to speak the truth 'cause they see the truth in themselves...

But isn't that what leaders do??? I mean, poll driven politicans don't lead... They follow... Obama has the balls to call "it like it is"...

If you don't like the man, fir gosh sakes, don't vote fir him... That's easy enough.... But to continuely find every opportunity to stick it to him, or his followers, speaks more about those who hate him than anything about Obama's history, values, talents and courage...
