The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110367   Message #2317504
Posted By: Jim Lad
16-Apr-08 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are You Bitter???
Subject: RE: BS: Are You Bitter???
"When it comes to Koolaid, you wrote the book...

You are a 24K phoney, GUEST, guest...

You spew yer venom like a "true beliver"... Of course, you know exactly what "true believer" is since you are so "classless and free"...

You, and others like you, make me sick...

Yeah, you hide behind yer "classless and free" bullsh*t and when you are called on yer phoney baloney you turn on the caller...

I am transparent here... You are not... I have spent the last5 25 years of my life living in mountain hollers... Where I live would scare the crap outta you so get off yer friggin' high horse fir just one friggin' minute...

I am verifiable... You are not... As far as I know you might be some 13 year old girl??? Get a real life and until you do so yer endless hate-filled attacks on Obama, ot any of the folks who support him, are like yesterday's trash...

Square business!!!

We ain't takin' no more od yer sh*t!!!

Get a life!!!

V~ "........

This is what Mudcat considers to be reasonable debate while every Anti Obama thread that anyone has ever started here, has been deleted by the moderators or over run by Obama supporters?

Any wonder that you end up talking to yourselves?