The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2317589
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
16-Apr-08 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
>>1. Many if not most of the seals killed are in international waters and are neither exclusively the property of you, Canada, Europe, or me. They are a naturally occurring wildlife population. As such, and as the proper stewards of the natural environment that we all should be, it IS my business and everybody else's.<<

The hunt is entirely within Canada's 200 mile fisheries management zone. Pretty much everyone on earth recognizes that as Canadian territory vis-a-vis fishing but you and Paul Watson.

>>2. Any activity which creates wholesale slaughter of a species with no corresponding and equivalent benefit is irrational in my opinion. Cattle are slaughtered to yield meat, a food which people desire and will pay for. The byproducts of this process, such as leather, is also a commercially viable substance. There is no corresponding demand for seal meat (as Peace said, maybe you and bill and other interested parties could take on a marketing project), and the pelt market doesn't yield the profit to make the industry viable without government assistance. ie., irrational.<<

The meat is being eaten. and if it were not, there is nothing irrational about using animals for clothing. Man has been doing that for hundreds of thousands of years.

>>3. I can't really think of an action much more barbaric than bashing the brains out of a 2-week old wild animal for an irrational reason...see#2 above... , but (and it's a big but) I realize that the word "barbaric" is a loaded term. What would work better to describe an activity that once had survival significance for the participants, but is now continued for no reasonable (once again, see #2 above) purpose? Archaic?<<

I can think of ten thousand things more barbaric, including keeping animals in zoos, feed lots, and commuting as the lone occupant of an Escalade. Where will your precious "baby" seal be when there is no more ice.

>>4. Jack, it was your wife who suggested I get involved in Canadian business by lobbying for a ban on fishing trawlers taking cod in Eastern Canada. I might also add that I have not really notice a reluctance from Canadian or European posters here to make strong comments on American business. Have you criticized American policy on the forum, Jack? If so, would you cop to some hypocrisy yourself?<<

I am not speaking for my wife. I certainly don't want you lobbying for anything on my behalf. I pay taxes here, I have for nine years, so US policy, how my taxes are spent is certainly my business. As I said before. You should clean up your own back yard before you criticize mine.

>>So, I concede you a point regarding the term "barbaric", and would refrain my initial statements as follows -<<

>>"I urge EU Mudcatters and Canadian Mudcatters as well to work for the end of this irrational and archaic slaughter."<<

In response to that I urge all Mudcatters to work on the ten million more important, urgent problems in the world before they devote much time and effort to this one.


Think about the irrational and archaic slaughter of this poor little baby after he has spent a miserable, short, cramped life on a feedlot being pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, the antibiotics being used to keep him from being poisoned by his own feces.