The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2318012
Posted By: Barry Finn
17-Apr-08 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Pardon my ignorance in these here seal matters, school me in the reasons, I got some of the facts, I think.

If there's not much to be made off the seals, aside from the meat (do that many people eat seal meat, fair question, I don't know, really) & fur (do that many people realy use the fur these days?) then what makes the hunt so important?
If they're so cute why not base an economy around eco touring like in the Antartic, it's a booming business there? Are there penguins too. It seems to me that their are other potentials too. Make it a territorial game "feeding the orkas", won't that help to distract the killers from eating the cod, they do eat cod, don't they, I don't know? How much cod do they eat? If they can toss a seal like a beach ball like I saw in those videos I can imagine what they'd do to a 6' cod steak/stock. What do they eat along what food chain do they dine? Maybe you should take them off the whale killing ban, if they are in fact real whale. Are they, I don't really know?
I'd certinally say that non Canadians commerical fishing vessels, espically bottom draggers should be legally controled & in some cases by the way they fish should even be banned, but then that's a government issue isn't it?
As commerical predators, I don't think an industry should be allow to regulate itself and when industry lies in the same bed with those that regulate/legislate it's the common citizen that always suffers.

"Tell me, what is the moral difference between killing a seal and killing a cow?"

Can we farm raise seals???? Can we farm raise Cod????

Has Canada managed their fisheries properly, could there be some accounting that the government has failed these industries? I know that the Canadian natives have had there fair share of being screwed by not only the governement in these areas, espically the river salmon fisheries but also they've been screwed by the locals that live around them, is this a taste of one's own medicine

Whose eating all those seals anyway & whose clothing all those Inuits?

"Whose gonna shoe your pretty little feet & whose gonna glove your hands
And whose gonna kiss your red rosy lips & whose gonna be your man"

"A whitecoat's flipper's gonna shoe my pretty pretty little feet
And a harp's gonna glove my hand
And a cod's gonna grease my pretty little lips till there's not to eat in this land"

by Me, just being a wise ass & a devil's advocate

Not a bad thread, if there were a little less emotion & a bit more of the reasons that brought about these conditions I'd be able to see things more clearly but as it is I'm hearing to much personnel stuff that's preventing me from getting an understanding of it all & I would like to be informed about all this
