The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39265   Message #2318051
Posted By: GUEST
17-Apr-08 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Stewart Banjo Fans: eBay Alert
Subject: RE: Stewart Banjo Fans: E-Bay Alert

Thanks for giving her the once over.

I must agree with your description of the neck.
I certainly wouldn't want any more inlay than there is on this one.
In fact, IMHO some of the nicest Stewart Necks I've seen actually have even less than this one.
I have seen photos of other models which, I assume, were Models 2 & 3 & I'm afraid I just find them far too fussy & quite frankly distracting & to be perfectly honest, a little vulgar.
I think less is more, in this department.

However, I do wish this one had a sandwiched neck.
I have an old John Grey with three layers in the neck & as well as adding strength, it looks wonderful.

I saw one recently too, which had loads of decoration INSIDE the pot. I'm sure it added nothing to the sound, but it looked fantastic & because it was inside, no way could it be described as distracting. Of course it sold for well over twice what I paid for mine.

I have the photo somewhere. Once I find it I'll post a link here.

I certainly don't plan on tightening the hooks too much either, nor will I ever fit wire strings to this banjo.
I'm happy to leave loud, brash vulgarity to the domain of the Bluegrass player! :-)
