The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110356   Message #2318299
Posted By: Peace
17-Apr-08 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Escalates Seal Slaughter Defense
Some usually bright posters have lost the plot. It is either right or wrong to kill animals. If it is wrong, then it's wrong in slaughetr houses as well as nature. If it's right, well, there's no problem.

There is no doubt that the Canadian government has mismanaged the fisheries. There is also no doubt that the amount of fish taken by other countries just outside Canadian waters caused the stocks to deplete big time. If anyone thinks that isn't so, look at the state of this planet and its resources and take on the challenge of explaining to me the wonderful job we've all done managing this place.

If the acrimonious bullshit keeps popping up, I'd suggset those who find Canada's mismanagement of this to be so deplorable maybe look inside their home country and tell me how everything is just dandy there. I will send an e-mail to our Prime Minister and let him know you have the answer.