The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18955   Message #231833
Posted By: Allan C.
22-May-00 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
Thanks, kat. You are very perceptive. In my fogged brain I had registered Fifi's as a real place and overlooked the sandbar/sandbox allusion entirely. Glad you set me straight. Either way, Bill and I are all fired up to make/hear some good music while we are there.

P.S. I am somewhat relieved at not having to tell anyone that I ever played in a place called "Fifi's"! I could just picture it: It is a neat and clean place with a surprisingly large interior belied by the rather diminutive but gleaming white clapboard exterior. It is trimmed with pink shutters, and has lavender wrought-iron all over the place. The inside is furnished with cutsie little soda-shop tables (each painted a soft yellow or powder blue) - every one appointed with tatted doilies, cloying scented candles and African violets. There would be dainty bric-a-brac hanging here and there to tease the eye. The apron of the stage would be lined with white chiffon flounces and Real Filet lace curtains would be hanging at the rear. Just to one side of the stage would be a most wonderful scratching post, covered with softened crinoline and trimmed with Picot lace. This would be used from time to time by the establishment's namesake (often during performances by traveling folk artists who would, of course, be upstaged by Fifi's offstage antics).

Oh, yeah! Just the kind of place I would want to be seen in. Not!!

M-m-m-m. And yet why do I get the feeling that a new tavern thread is about to be born?