The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110154   Message #2318390
Posted By: Teribus
17-Apr-08 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Subject: RE: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Latest up-date on events:

- Still no results and no-one has bothered to explain how election results can be "verified" if they have never been previously announced.

- An MDC activist has been beaten to death and there has been widespread violence and intimidation of voters in MDC areas (people beaten up, houses burned, crops and food stores destroyed.

- 50 MDC party workers have been arrested for obeying the call to strike last Tuesday

- A large shipment of arms supplied by China has cleared customs in South Africa for delivery to Zimbabwe

- The remaining "white" farmers and their workers have been turfed off their land

- Morgan Tsvangirai is in effective exile as Mugabe and ZANU-PF have accused him of treason and will arrest him if he returns to Zimbabwe.

The UN as usual, hamstrung by their Charter will do nothing.

The current President of South Africa denies that there is any crisis in Zimbabwe and is doing nothing.

The SADC refuses point blank to openly censure or criticise any of their own and hence are doing nothing.

Zimbabwe and it's population in general are well and truly stuffed. So much for the workers paradise, "Animal Farm" is a more apt description of it. They were a damn sight better off under Ian Smith, who by now must be aching to meet up with Lord Carrington and Dr David Owen whenever they reach yon side of the here-after - his first words to them will no doubt be - "I bloody well told you so" - and he would be perfectly justified in saying so.