The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110445   Message #2318745
Posted By: PoppaGator
17-Apr-08 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt Tabs posted
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt Tabs posted
Norman: You're welcome!

Ken: Understood. Of course, weird as those faked slides might sound, it's not like there was any way you could have made 'em sound any better, given Randytab's limitations. (And I can certainly live with limitations in freeware. I'm still amazed at what Randytab CAN do, and how much fun it can be, just the way it is.)

I've tried in the past to promote some awareness and enthusiasm for Randytab among Mudcatters, and was surprised and a little disappointed at the response (and lack thereof). Maybe this HUGE contribution of new Randytab tabs will prompt a few more folks to consider it this time around.

I did learn that there are other programs that do the same thing, and presumably better, but at a price. I certainly understand why a person already conversant with such software would want to stick with the program they know, and that they bought. The only problem is, these tabs can be shared only among those who have installed the same software as each other, and a freeware alternative would seem to be the best choice for wide distribution.

IF it would run on the Mac, that is...