The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110490   Message #2319098
Posted By: Susan of DT
18-Apr-08 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Changing Computers
Subject: RE: Tech: Changing Computers
My first computer (Osborne in 1981) did not HAVE a hard drive: "Winchester" (hard) drives started a couple of years later. There were 2 floppy drives of 92k each and you put the floppy with the program (and CP/M operating system on the reserved 2k tracks) in the A drive and the data on the floppy in the B drive.

I just got a 500 Gig drive for backups and such. I had tried a drive image program that was supposed to be useful for regular backups and be used to transfer a whole drive image onto a new computer. PC Magazine recommended Shadow Protect. I am glad I downloaded the 30 day trial version, because it messed up MS Outlook, so I had to use a reset to the time before I installed it if I wanted my email to function.