The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110512   Message #2319157
Posted By: BanjoRay
18-Apr-08 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
Subject: RE: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
In the UK magazine The Old Time News available to members of Foaotmad we try and standardise the use of Old Time (two words with capitals) as the name of the music we support. The use of Old Timey (or Oldtimey etc) is loathed and detested (at least by me) but does occasionally slip through the editing process. Some Old Time tunes are new or newish (eg Winder Slide written by Joe LaRose) and some are even newish and British (eg Margaret's Waltz written by Pat Shaw) but you know they're Old Time when you hear them played in the style, though it does take a lot of use to get them established as recognised Old Time tunes.
