The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110512 Message #2319369
Posted By: Bill D
18-Apr-08 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
Subject: RE: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
Well...*I* think "old timey" should refer only to music from before about 1650 ☺......
but at least most people understand HOW it is used today, and leave the term alone! I just wish they would leave either 'folk' or 'traditional' alone so I could simply say "I listen mostly to 'folk' without having "The Kingston Trio" played for me.
(I think I'll just agree with Songster Bob.)
(and with Peace...I HATE it when someone says 'shrooms to refer to edible fungus!)