The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2319620
Posted By: PoppaGator
18-Apr-08 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
I don't think the outrage over ABC's conduct of the debate has anything to do with being "unfair" or "too tough" on Obama. I think it was a severe disservice to BOTH candidates, as well as to the Pennsylvania electorate and the nationwide audience.

After all, they were equally as insistent about beating the dead horse of Hillary's "Bosnia snipers" gaffe as any of Obama's similarly superficial misstatements.

That flag-pin bullshit was, of course, the absolute lowest point of the whole exercise, and was directed at Obama. But then, we all know whose dynasty made Georgie S's career.

When I signed the MoveOn petition* the other day, I added a paragraph of my own to the canned text saying that, while I may have some reservations about all the network news departments, I was especially disappointed by this performance by ABC, and that I felt certain that both CBS and NBC would have done a more professional job.

NBC's Keith Olbermann is indeed blatantly partisan, and makes no attempt to pretend otherwise. I really enjoy him, and have done so since the days when he was an ESPN sportscaster. He is undeniably very witty, and I think that even folks who disagree with his positions can appreciate that. But I certainly respect the opinion of those who can't stand him; they have understandable reason to see Keith as the mirror image of those Fox News and tall-radio right-wing-nuts. I don't agree with them or think they're right, but tht's a matter of opinion; I understand where they're coming from.

But ~ this is important ~ I'm sure that NBC would never assign Olbermann to work one of these debates. They'd send the consummately professional Tim Russert for sure, and probably Brian Williams or some other respectable and intelligent corresponent along with him. CBS has their own roster of actual journalists, too, who they could be expected to trot out for a debate. ABC sent a feelgood morning-talk-show host and a former Clinton aide, apparently issuing them a mandate to avoid serious discussion and try to instigate some mutual mudslinging between the principals.

*Thanks to Kat for posting the link to that petition here. I considered doing so but never followed through. To those of you who don't agree, don't sign! (As I'm sure you haven't.) Posting the link here was nothing more than providing information to those who might want it, a category into which quite a few folks hereabouts fit quite nicely.