The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110425   Message #2319654
Posted By: Banjiman
18-Apr-08 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Source Singers
Subject: RE: Source Singers

Yes, I've been over the those previous threads and debates elsewhere.

1/ Before reading the Mudcat debates I would have called songs of a folky style (I'll give examples if you wish, but I don't mean overly emotional singer/ songwriter stuff)....folk. I accept now that this may not be technically correct, but it was the masses would understand. I've been challenged previously to come up with a definition that encompasses these songs/ performers, but haven't managed it yet!

2/ Ditto, my view is that if it sounds like folk it is folk. But again I am willing to accept this is a common man's view of the subject, not a scholar's.

3/ I think I answered with 1 and 2 above.

My questions to Richard are a genuine attempt to learn and understand, not a challenge....and I don't really want the what is folk debate again!
