The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110499   Message #2319742
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
18-Apr-08 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Happy Scottish songs
Subject: RE: Happy Scottish songs
Now we're getting somewhere. The barbecue song and the Sunday driver are particularly promising.

(I was trying to see a doctor today and found myself behind a driver who apparently had never seen a parking building before - going one mile per hour and quivering with fright at every corner. Finally I told myself not to judge - probably somebody old, sick and scared come into the big city to see a specialist.)

If you're going to sing in public and you wake up with frog in your throat, it's so comforting to know that you have some funny songs in your songbag. Because the public doesn't care what you sound like if the song's funny enough.

I'm afraid the others had so much dialect that they would not be usable. Good songs, though. I couldn't find Baron James McPhait (or McPhail, which Google suggested.)