The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2319794
Posted By: Ron Davies
18-Apr-08 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?

How will Obama do with the "broder public"?   Obama, as the Democratic nominee, will smash McCain.

1)   All his current supporters will not only vote for him, but many will do the essential work in the trenches to actually get out the vote. The new voters include huge numbers of young people and a higher turnout of black voters than ever.

2) He will get all the votes of every US voter---Democratic, Republican, or independent, for whom ending the Iraq war is the #1 job.

3) As the Democratic nominee, he will get the votes of all voters who feel the #1 issue is preventing a Republican from getting the chance to name any more Supreme Court justices. This means that Hillary's strongest supporters--for whom protecting Roe v Wade is paramount-- will vote for him. Especially since Hillary herself, trying to protect her options for the future, will campaign--hard--for him.

4) He will get the votes of anybody who feels that overhauling the health care system is vital--not just tinkering with "market-based solutions", which is all McCain's base will allow him. And I know this is true about McCain's limitations--remember, I read the WSJ.

5) He will get large numbers of Hispanics--since he can push--hard--the path to citizenship for illegal immigrants--which, again, McCain's base will not allow.

6) The economy is likely to be still shaky in the fall--and, yet again, McCain's base will not allow any response other than "market-based" approaches. Which will be obviously a band-aid for a gaping wound.

7) Most importantly, all Obama has to do is portray McCain as Bush's 3rd term--and McCain has no chance. The disgust with Bush--among independents--and some Republicans is that deep.

The only question still remaining is whether, as the Democratic nominee, he will get YOUR support. Yes or no?--it's time to fish or cut bait.