The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110512   Message #2319872
Posted By: GUEST
19-Apr-08 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
Subject: RE: Old-Timey ... TWEE or what?
Hey thanks guys.

Isn't it fascinating how a word or expression can be in such common use & yet so many people who use it, don't know a whole lot about it, or even whether or not it is the correct expression to use.

I enjoyed getting the lowdown on the word Hillbillies too. I just assumed it was a nickname that the folks in that area were quite proud of. I know that here in Ulster, in certain Protestant circles, people are proud to think that possibly the term might be traced back to followers of King Billy who emmigrated from here to the mountain regions over there.

Perhaps some of you learned folks here might know if that idea has any basis in fact?

Anyway, thanks Jim, looks like the Old Timey mystery has finally been cleared up.

So the African American spiritualists & Charles D. Tillman got it wrong when they wrote the song: OLD-TIME RELIGION!
Or maybe Charlie just didn't hear them right? :-)


"'Tis the old time religion,
[or Give me that old time religion]
'Tis the old time religion,
'Tis the old time religion,
And it's good enough for me."

< >

I guess it should be - Give me that Old Timey Religion!

So, am I right in thinking the phrase simply means 'Old Fashioned', in which case, perhaps to be perfectly correct, we should read & write 'Old Timey Old Time Music', otherwise the term Old Timey could be referring to absolutely any form of old fashioned music?

I suppose the term is used a little like we use 'Traditional' over here, as with music, antique furniture etc etc.

Hey glueman, I know what you mean about the "showing off" thing.
It's the same thing north of the border too, of course.
Mind you, over here in Ulster, the Catholics have it all wrong.
Despite locking up children's swing parks on a Sunday etc etc Protestants are in fact allowed to do pretty much anything they like ....... just so long as they don't actually ENJOY doing it! :-)
